The Gregory School is deeply grateful for the generosity of those who support the school's students, programs, faculty, and staff. There are few causes more worthy than investing in our children and their education. Philanthropy makes possible the best educational experience for our students now and into the future.
Overview of Giving

Annual Fund Donations
The Gregory School annual fund makes extraordinary education possible here — every day for every student.
Tuition covers only a portion of the cost of a Gregory School education—a financial reality common to nearly every independent, non-profit school in the United States.
Donors to The Gregory School annual fund help pick up where tuition leaves off, providing our students with the facilities, materials and equipment, community connections, athletics, and travel they need to solve real problems, build collaborations, pursue passions, and actively experience their own education.
Participation matters most, as outside funders look for a robust family donor percentage, and every gift of any amount has impact for our students, for our teachers, and for the health of our school. We ask only that you give at a level that is both comfortable and meaningful for your family.
Gifts to the annual fund may be made online or by check, payable to The Gregory School. Checks may be sent to
The Gregory School
Annual Fund
3231 N. Craycroft Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85712
Please do not use the Annual Fund donation to make your AZ Tax Credit contribution.
Arizona State Tax Credit
The Arizona State Tax Credit is not a donation. When you take the credit, you direct funds you have already paid, or are obligated to pay, in state taxes to help provide need-based scholarships for Gregory School students. Directing your state tax liability to The Gregory School costs you nothing.
Everyone’s taxes are different, but if you work in Arizona, you probably have an Arizona tax liability. This means that you paid state taxes, even if you do not “owe” money. If you have an Arizona tax liability, you can take the credit.
Taking the credit will reduce your Arizona state tax liability by that amount, not to exceed either the maximum amount allowed or your total tax liability, whichever is less. The credit will either reduce the amount you would expect to owe the state or increase your refund.
Take the Arizona Tax Credit
Maximum contributions for the 2024 tax year for single filers is $1,459 and married filing jointly is $2,910. The deadline for the 2024 tax year is April 15, 2025.
Tax credit contributions must be made through a Certified School Tuition Organization (STO) and not directly to The Gregory School. Following are three STO's that we work with:
Arizona Independent Schools Scholarship Foundation (AISSF) accepts tax credit contributions to provide need-based scholarships for Gregory School students.
Institute for Better Education (IBE) accepts tax credit contributions to provide need-based scholarships for Gregory School students and also accepts tax credit contributions that recommend specific Gregory School students as recipients.
Arizona Tuition Connection (ATC) accepts tax credit contributions that recommend specific Gregory School students as recipients and also accepts tax credit contributions to provide need-based scholarships for Gregory School students.
Online donations are secured with industry leading Level 1 PCI compliance and SSL encryption.
Important Notice: A school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of a donor's recommendation. A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer's own dependent.
Special and Restricted Funds and Endowment
Bancroft Family EndowmentEstablished in 2007, this fund supports The Gregory School's need-based tuition assistance program and provides funding for qualified students participating in the Kenya Internship and/or Outdoor Action Program.
Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation Scholarship FundEstablished in 1995 by the Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation, this fund supports The Gregory School's need-based tuition assistance program.
Julia Thorpe Cote Scholarship Endowment FundEstablished in 1996 by the Julia Thorpe Cote Foundation, this fund supports The Gregory School's need-based tuition assistance program.
Jennifer Dalessandro Scholarship FundEstablished in 1989 in honor of alumni Jennifer Delassandro,'88, this fund supports The Gregory School's need-based tuition assistance program.
Edward E. Ford Faculty Enrichment Endowment FundEstablished in 1993 with an initial gift from the Edward E. Ford Foundation and subsequent gifts from senior class parents annually, this fund supports faculty development and continuing education.
Helen and Raymond Pelayo Scholarship Endowment FundEstablished in 2006 by alumni parent Stanley Graham, this fund supports The Gregory School's need-based tuition assistance program.
John Menke Science FundEstablished in 1995, this fund provides resources for Science department materials not covered in the regular operating budget.
Joshua Ramsey Scholarship FundEstablished in 2002 in memory of Joshua Ramsey,'95, this fund supports The Gregory School's need-based tuition assistance program.
Southwestern Foundation Scholarship Endowment FundEstablished in 1994 by the Southwestern Foundation for Education and Historic Preservation, this fund supports The Gregory School's need-based tuition assistance program.
Joshua T. Luckow Scholarship FundEstablished in 2004 in honor of The Gregory School alumnus Joshua Luckow,'95, this fund supports The Gregory School's need-based tuition assistance program.
Douglas Newcomb Sax Endowment FundEstablished in 2006 in memory of Douglas Newcomb Sax,'05
Need help?
Call us at (520) 327-6395
or email us.
Make a Gift
Annual Fund FAQ
I pay tuition. Why am I also being asked to donate to the annual fund?
Tuition covers 71% of a Gregory School education. This is a statistic common to nearly every independent school in the U.S. The annual fund is critical in bridging the gap between tuition revenue and the exceptional education Gregory School students receive.
What does the money raised by the annual fund pay for?
Donors to the annual fund support programmatic improvements, faculty salaries, travel for competitions and field trips, athletics, robotics, Fab Lab supplies and equipment repairs, Farmyard improvements, art supplies, guest speakers, campus facility repairs, and much more.
I directed my Arizona State Tax Credit to TGS. Is this the same as the annual fund?
While The Gregory School appreciates both tax credit designations and gifts to the annual fund, they are not the same. The Arizona State Tax Credit lets you direct your Arizona tax liability—funds that you pay anyway—to scholarships for low-income students to attend TGS. Donations to the annual fund are tax-deductible gifts that help bridge the gap between tuition revenue and the full costs of a TGS education, including programs, facilities, materials, travel, and more.
How much should I give?
We hope that every family will choose to make a gift that is meaningful to them. Every gift of any amount has impact for our students, for our teachers, and for the health of our school. The percentage of family and alumni support is a major indicator of school climate and vitality as seen by prospective donors, foundations, faculty, staff, and families.
Who contributes to the annual fund?
Donors to The Gregory School annual fund include current and past parents, grandparents and other family members; alumni, friends, and community members. In addition, we are delighted that 100% of our faculty, staff, and members of the board of trustees support the annual fund. -
May I designate my gift to a specific area, such as arts, robotics, or athletics?
Yes. We appreciate any and all assistance that community members are willing to provide to the school, and we recognize that some donors would like to directly funnel their gift to a program with which they’re familiar or particularly passionate about supporting (e.g., a grandparent wanting to enrich their grandchild’s theater experience). You will have the opportunity to designate your gift when you make your donation. -
Is this donation tax deductible?
The Gregory School is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation. -
How do I give?
You can donate online or by check. Please make checks payable to The Gregory School and mail them to The Gregory School, ATTN: Annual Fund, 3231 N Craycroft Rd. Tucson, AZ 85712.
How else can I help?
If you pay taxes in Arizona, you can help fund student scholarships by taking the dollar-for-dollar Arizona State Tax Credit through the Arizona Independent Schools Scholarship Foundation (AISSF). This program is completely separate from the annual fund. If you have questions or can think of other ways you would like to help, please contact Alicia Saposnik at or 520-327-6395 x 209.